@Ottawafooty7s Advent Calendar – Dec 16th

This photo is definitely one of our favourites of the year. It’s from way back in January from our futsal league at The Foundry in Gatineau. If you haven’t played at The Foundry, it’s well worth checking out. An old brick industrial building beautifully converted to two turf and one futsal field. The fields are up on the first floor and windows run the full length of all three fields: it makes for some great photos.

This one was actually a very run of the mill photograph, but by cranking the levels of the various tones way up it took on its current look of silhouetted figures playing on a shining blue (the light reflection) and red (a shaft of sunlight coming through the windows) floor. The industrial nature of the background compliments the look pretty well and we accidentally stumbled on something fairly unique out of a photo that was about to get deleted.

Remember if it’s you that we’ve tacked the Santa hat* onto, drop us a tweet @OttawaFooty7s and we’ll send you an Ottawa Footy Sevens shirt.

The original of the photo and the other photo galleries from this year’s leagues can be found here.

An explanation of our advent calendar can be found here.

*Or we may shove on a big snowman’s top hat. Who knows? It depends upon how whimsical we’re feeling at the time . . .

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