@Ottawafooty7s Advent Calendar – Dec 10th

Penalty Goal Louis Riel DomeHere’s another photo from our annual Kicking Cancer’s Butt tournament.

As the game went down to the knock-out stages, we saw many penalty shoot outs deciding close games. A nicely taking penalty here that looks as if it’s about to burst the net after the goalie takes a guess and gets it wrong. Interestingly enough the book “Soccernomics” by Simon Kuper and Stefan Szymanski, their statistical analysis says that kicking it straight down the middle has the highest chance of success in a penalty shoot. . .at least until they start applying game theory and it all gets a little more complex. We’d recommend it, it’s a good book and one that is suited to lazing around reading on a long, turkey-fuelled post-Christmas day of sloth . . . .

For more details on this year’s tournament see: Kicking Cancer’s Butt 2012 roundup.

No hat on today’s photo, the silly Christmas hats will be back tomorrow.

Remember if it’s you that we’ve tacked the Santa hat onto, drop us a tweet @OttawaFooty7s and we’ll send you an Ottawa Footy Sevens shirt.

The original of the photo and the other photo galleries from this year’s leagues can be found here.

An explanation of our advent calendar can be found here.

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